Glossary - Jewish Mysticism
Relating to kabbalah revealing the spiritual and physical laws that govern both the universe and the human soul.
Alpha DirectoryAdam HaRishon (lit. "the first man”) – Biblical Adam Adam Kadmon (lit. "primordial man”) – the will of the Or Ein Sof* to create Ahavat Hashem - love of God Ahavat Yisrael - Iove of a fellow Jew Aleph Bet - The Hebrew alphabet Amidah - The silent prayer said while standing Assiyah - The world of “action,” lowest of the four worlds of Creation Atzilut - The world of “emanation,” highest of the four worlds of Creation Atzmut - The essence of God Avodat Hashem – service of GodBaal Teshuvah (lit. "a returnee”) - one who has become observant of the commandments Benoni - the intermediate person; between the Tzaddik* and the Rasha* Beriah - The world of "creation," second-highest of the four worlds of Creation Binah - Sefirah* of understanding Bitachon - trust in God Bnai Yisrael (lit. "the children of Israel") - the Jewish people ChaBaD - acronym for Chochmah*, Binah*, Daat*- also the name of the worldwide Chassidic* movement ChaGaT - acronym for Chessed*, Gevurah*, and Tiferet* Challah - bread used on Shabbat* and holidays Chassid (pI. chassidim) - follower(s) of the Chassidic* movement Chassidic - movement of Judaism that focuses on the study of Kabbalah*; founded by the Baal Shem Tov 5458 - 5520 (1698 – 1760) Chassidut - Chassidic* philosophy Chaya - Hebrew for "living one"*; second-highest of five general souls Chayot Hakodesh (lit. "holy beings") - A Group of angels Chessed - Sefirah* of kindness Chochmah - Sefirah* of wisdomDaat - Sefirah* of Knowledge Daat Elyon - Supernal knowledge Daat Tachton - terrestrial knowledge Dirah BeTachtonim - quoted from the Midrash*: God desired to have a "dwelling place in the lower worlds;" the purpose of Creation Drush - "homiletical" interpretation of the Torah*; second – highest level of Pardes* Ein Sof (lit. "without end") - the Infinite God as enclothed in Creation Elokut - Godliness Emet - truth Emunah - faithFarbrengen - Chassidic gathering Gehinom - Hell Gevurah - Sefirah* of strength Gilgul - reincarnationHashgochah Pratit - Divine providence Hatzlachah - success Havaye - The Tetragrammeton*; four-letter name of God. Hiddur Mitzvah - Beautification of the Mitzvah*; i.e. doing a commandment in a beautiful way. Hod - Sefirah* of splendorKabbalah (lit. "received") - mystical tradition of the Torah* Kaddish - prayer recited in the memory of a departed soul Kav - circular "beam" of pre-Tzimtzim* Light* Kedushah - holiness Kelipah (pl. Klipot; lit. "peel" for "shell") - words used by Kabbalah to describe coverings of impurity. Kelipat Nogah (lit. "illuminating shell") - Klipah* that can be utilized for good Keter - Sefirah* of crown Light - English for "Or." Metaphor for Divine energy. Malchut - Sefirah* of kingship Mashiach (lit. "anointed one") - the Messiah MazaI (pI. Mazalot) - constellation or planetary influence Memale KoI Almin - Light* that fills all worlds; also referred to as the Kav* mezuzah - parchment scroll attached to doorpost Midrash - anthology of rabbinic scriptural commentary mikvah - ritual bath used for spiritual purification Mishnah - Oral Law of the Torah* compiled by Tannaim* under the leadership of Rabbi Yehudah Hanassi. mitnagid (pI. mitnagdim) - opponents of the Chassidic* movement Mitzvah (pI. Mitzvot) - Divine commandment(s) derived from the Torah* Modeh Ani - first words of the following prayer said immediately upon awakening: "I offer thanks to You, living and eternal King, for you have restored my soul within me; Your faithfulness is abundant." Mussar (lit. "rebuke") - a movement of Judaism that encourages people to study ethics and morals and to improve character. Nefesh - Hebrew for "soul of vitality"; lowest of five general souls Nefesh Elokit - Godly Soul of a person Nefesh HaBehamit - Animalistic Soul of a person NeHiY - acronym for Netzach*, Hod*, and Yesod* Neshamah - Hebrew for "breath of life"; third-highest of five general souls Netzach - Sefirah* of victory Nigleh - revealed dimension of Torah* Nistar - inner dimension of Torah* Nistarim - clandestine Kabbalistics during the days of Baal Shem Tov OIam (lit. "concealment") - world OIam Haba - the World to Come Ophanim - Group of angels Or Ein Sof - Hebrew for "Light of the Infinite"; metaphor for Divine energy used in Creation Or Makkif - a peripheral Light* Or Pnimi - an inner Light* Pardes (lit. "orchard") - acronym for four levels of Torah* study Pshat - "simple" interpretation of the Torah*; most basic level of Pardes* Rasha - wicked person Rebbe - leader of Chassidim* Remez - "allusionary." interpretation of the Torah*; third-highest level of Pardes* Rosh Hashanah - The Jewish New Year Ruach - Hebrew for "spirit"; fourth-highest of five general souls Ruach Hakodesh (lit. "holy spirit") - Divine inspiration Seder Hishtalshlut - chain-ordered process used in Creation Sefirah (pI. Sefirot) - a channel of Divine energy or attribute used in Creation Seraphim - Group of angels Shabbat - Sabbath Simchah - joy Shechinah - Divine Presence Shema or Shema YisraeI - beginning word(s) or the "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One" prayer Shevirat HaKelim - Shattering or Breakage of the Vessels Shliach - emissary shofar - ram's horn blown primarily on Rosh Hashanah* Simchah - joy Sitra Achra (lit. "The other side") - the side of impurity Sod - "secret/mystical" interpretation of the Torah*; highest level of Pardes* Sovev Kol Almin - Light that transcends all worlds Tachanun - Prayer of supplication recited after Amidah* Talmud - Repository of Jewish Oral Law; an explanation of the Mishnah* Tannaim - Rabbis who authored the Mishnah* during the first centuries of the Common-Era. tefillah - prayer tefillin - leather boxes and straps worn by Jewish men Teshuvah - repentance Tiferet - Sefirah* of beauty Tikkun HaMiddot - correction of negative character traits Tikkun Olam - Correction of the world Tinok Shenishbah (lit. child abducted at early age) - term used for estranged Jews Torah (lit. "instruction") - the five books of Moses in particular, and all Scriptural text in general. Tzaddik - righteous person Tzaddik HaDor - Tzaddik* or leader of the generation Tzedakah - charity Tzimtzum - Divine "contraction" used in Creation tzitzit - fringes on garment worn by Jewish men Vessel - English for "Keli." Metaphor for Divine concealment. Yechidah - Hebrew for "singular one"; highest of five general souls Yesod - Sefirah* or foundation Yetzirah - world of "formation," third-highest of the four worlds of Creation Yartzeit - Anniversary of death |